Monday, 3 January 2011

Cover Work (VAN) Th Dec 16 (single) & Fr Dec 17 (double)

Media Forms: How does the trailer use media language to estabilsh the film's genre?

The way this trailer uses media language to establish the genre is by using media language. The first thing we see is a long shot or the huge billboards in central London so we can see this is set in London. We then see a medium shot of a girl sitting by a stair well holding a cup, almost like what a beggar would do when they ask people for spare change, this could tell us the trailer is about a homeless or poor girl, but then it goes on to a voice saying “your a run away are ya?” and another voice replies with “yeah”. This then lets us know there could be a touch of the disaster genre because the girl runs away from home because there could possibly be a disaster within her family. The use of the non Diegetic sound of the piano could also help to establish the genre because the use of the piano adds to the tension being built around why this girl is a run away, also the way the music is being played slow also helps build tension. We then see the run away girl with a man in a cafe and he hands her money, this leaves the audience with questions as to why this man has given her the money or where the money has come from. The text on screen that shows what each news paper has said about it could also help establish the genre of the film, also by adding what each news paper has said about it, can encourage people to watch this film because of the text that has appeared on the screen. At the end of the trailer we then see the name of the film again with the use of non Diegetic sounds of a gun being fired, which could then link back to he mystery genre.

Media Representations: How is gender represented in the trailer?

In the trailer men are shown to be very dominant as they are seen to have more power over the women, and the women are seen to be very negative because of the situations they get them selves into. The men are seen to hold all the power because we see one of them men with a lot of money and another man in a huge house which looks quite sophisticated which could also tell us he is rich with a lot of money, the women are seen to be doing degrading, I’m not sure what they get into but when one of the women goes of with the man, the other women chases after her and they are then seen crying, also by the man leading her away also shows his dominance. Later on in the trailer the men are once again shown to have the power above the women because the man is seen with a gun and he is shown pointing it towards the women and they are scared, which then again shows the dominance and power he has over them. The way each person in the trailer is dressed also shows the way gender is represented because one of the men are shown in a white suit, and the girls are in ripped jeans and dirty hoods. Also at the beginning we the women alone by a stair well at night time, this could give the impression that she is vulnerable to any thing and this also shows negativity of women because of the way she has chose to live her life.

Media Institutions: In what ways is the film London to Brighton typical of a low budget British film?

Well we can firstly see the actors that are used are not celebrities or any one famous, they could simply be people picked out from a group who were asked to do these roles as the film does not have enough money to get famous people, and if there is no famous people in the movie people are less likely to watch it. Also it seems as this whole film was recorded on the streets of London which means there was no special sets set up for them, and also they do not show any expensive looking props or cars or anything in that manner. Every thing used in the trailer are easy to get a hold of for ay one, where as in an expensive trailer they have expensive cars like a Ferrari or rolls Royce. We can also see this trailer was put together using a simple editor; there is no CGI being used or no signs of any ting high-tech with in the trailer. The director of this film would have also been unknown as low budget films are seen to be less likely to become successful, so no body is willing to invest into the movie.

Media Audiences: In what ways does the trailer promote the film to its target audience?

This trailer promote to its audience in different ways, the first way is the main character is seen to be young, almost looks as if she is in her teens, and i think this trailer is aimed to wards teenagers, and also that we know she runs away, and it is shown that many teens run away from home for many different reason, so these people can relate to her in the movie, also the use of violence as most teens like a bit of violence in there movies, i personally like movies that have fighting or violence because it just gives the sense of pleasure because i enjoy it. 

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