Wednesday, 3 November 2010

ms wigley cover work, kicks trailer

Shots: there are many different types of shots used within this trailer, a main one is the POV or Point of view shot, this shot is first introduced when you see the girl looking through the hole in the wall towards the footballer, this type of shot makes the audience feel as if they are there, they can see what the girl can see. They also use a lot of long shots, medium shots and close shots; the trailer actually opens with a close up of the girl touching a picture of the footballer.
Camera angle: a low angle is used right after the close shot in the beginning of their trailer; it shoes the building high up and the girl walking towards the camera. A high angle shot is used later on in the trailer in where the girls are shown lying down on the floor.
Mise-en-scene: is used throughout the whole trailer, there is a lot of different colours, as the actors are seen in the same cloths/costumes, it is shot in night and day and a few props have been used like a gun and cars etc.
Sound: a lot of different sounds are also used throughout the trailer; as soon as the trailer begins you hear as if someone is singing, or talking to themselves, this is known as a ‘Diegetic sound’ because it is a sound that seems to be part of what is occurring on screen, when the girl is touching the picture, and then in the beginning when they show the POV shot you hear music begin to play we know this is a sound that we know is not part of what is on screen, in media terms this is known as ‘Non-Diegetic  sound’.
Editing: when many different shots are placed together, this is called a montage; they are mainly about the protagonists within the trailer, the montage in this trailer is seen throughout, this trailer also uses different effects such as lighting, when the girl is seen holding the picture in the begging, there’s this sort of pinkish reddish colour all round, this could symbolise love as the fact she is in love with this footballer, then after when the story begins to open and things get worse, she has a gun, when she has the gun the back ground and all around her is a dim black and grey colour, this could symbolise death.
Genre: the genre is a romantic almost suspenseful story, as we can see this is about love, we do not know about the girl’s fascination with the footballer.
Narrative Todorovs theory is being followed in this trailer because in the beginning of the trailer it starts with equilibrium - the girl’s extreme close up view of her features with her holding the photo of the footballer and also uncertainty is produced by the ways the scenes are placed in a non linear manner.

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